Medical School.
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
September 1985 – August 1991.
Hospital Universitario. U.A.N.L.
“Dr. José E. Gonzalez”
March 1993 February 1997.
C.M.O.T. acreditation
Orthopaedic Education in Shoulder.
Orthopaedic Department.
Texas University Healt Since Center. San AntonioTx. (Dr. Charles Rockwood)
October and November 1996.
Oncology Orthopaedics
Oncology Orthopaedic Department
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Houston Tx.
July – December 1997.
Osteogenesis induced by a threedimensional bioimplant composed of demineralised bone matrix, collagen,hidroxiapatite and bone marrow derived cells in massive bone defects
- Profesor in Orthopaedic department . January 1998 until now.
- Post Graduate Studies Chief in Orthopaedic Department 2006 - 2014.
- Desarrollo de los parámetros de practica para el manejo del dolor agudo. Revista Mexicana de Anestesiología. Año: 2004, numero 4, volumen 27, paginas 200-204.
- Terapia con Interferon alfa para tumores de células gigantes avanzados de hueso y metastático. American Society of Clinical Oncology. 05-AB-31790-ASCO,Sept, 12, 2004.
- Valdecoxib provides effective pain relief following acute ankle sprain. The Journal of Medical International Research. 2006: 34. 456-467
- Facultad de Medicina, Sub-dirección de Educación Continúa. UANL. N.L. México. Texto de apoyo para el Examen Nacional de Residencias. 2006 and 2012
- Osteogenesis induced by a threedimensional bioimplant composed of demineralised bone matrix, collagen,hidroxiapatite and bone marrow derived cells in massive bone defects Tissue and Cell February 2018
- Sociedad de Ortopedia y Traumatología de Nuevo León, A.C. / Member since1997.
- Consejo Mexicano de Ortopedia y Traumatología, A.C. / Member sicne 1997.
- Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos, A.C. / Member since 1997.
- Asociación Mexicana de Ortopedia y Traumatología, A.C. / Member since 1997.
- Soiedad Mexicana de Ortopedia y Traumatología / Member since 2007
- Sociedad Latinoamericana de Tumores Musculoesqueleticos (SLATME) / Member since 2004
- Internacional Society of Limb Salvage (ISOLS) / First Mexican member / Member since 2007
- 1st palce Oral Presentation: Allografts in Orthopaedic Sutrgery
XXIII National Orthopaedic Meeting Puebla Puebla.
1 Mayo 2007 S.M.O. - 1st palce Oral Presentation: Massive allografts in salvaje knee surgery
XXV National Annual meeting
Ixtapa Gro.
20 Septiembre 2009 S.M.O.
- President of the Latin-american Society of Musculoskeletal Tumors
SLATME 2008 -2010. - Founder Member and 1rst President of the Mexican Society of Musculoskeletal Tumors and Limb Salvaje.
SMOOSE 2009.