Scientific Program

Friday, May 19 2017

 15:30-19:00 Registrations
 16:00-17:30 Clinical Tutorial I: Overactive Bladder
Moderators: D. Bougas, D. Floratos

The role of urodynamics in the diagnosis of the overactive bladder | G. Kousournas
What is new in drug therapy. Future aims and prospects | Α. Oikonomou
Treatment options for refractory overactive blader | Α. Apostolidis
 17:30-18:00 Lecture
Chairperson:  D. Mitropoulos
Castrate resistant prostate cancer | P. Cornford (United Kingdom)
Industry Satellite Symposium I: Prostate Cancer - Review of treatment options & Optimal therapeutic sequence
Coordinator: P. Perimenis
18:00-18:30 What is the position of LHRH analogues in the prostate cancer treatment algorithm?
D. Mitropoulos
18:30-19:00 How can radiotherapy provide the maximum effect in the treatment of prostate cancer?
Β. Kouloulias
19:00-19:30 What are the therapeutic options for castration-resistant prostate cancer?
C. Papandreou 
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 19:30-20:30 Opening Ceremony-Greetings
Chairpersons:  C. Constantinides, Ch. Deliveliotis

Opening Lectures
 19:30-20:00 Salvage lymphadenectomy in nodal relaps of prostate cancer | W. Schultze-Seemann (Germany)
 20:00-20:30   Is there a place of US/MRI fusion targeted biopsy in the diagnostic pathway for suspected prostate cancer? | M. Winkler (United Kingdom)

Saturday, May 20 2017

08:00-09:30 Clinical Tutorial II: Radical cystectomy in men steb by step
Moderators:  P. Perimenis, A. Bisas
Commentators:  Ι. Anastasiou, I. Mitsogiannis, B. Migdalis
Video Presentations I: Semilive surgery
Chairpersons:  A. Karagiannis, K. Stravodimos

09:30-09:50 Video 1: PCNL | Α. Papatsoris
09:50-10:10 Video 2: Surgical Management of of urogynecological complications | Ι. Adamakis
10:10-10:30 Video 3: Robotic partial nephrectomy for posterior tumors | Κ. Stravodimos
Coffee Break
International Speakers Lectures I
Chairpersons:  Β. Tzortzis, S. Giannakopoulos
11:00-11:20 A Value-based Prostate Cancer Service – Proven quality in diagnosis and treatments | C. Kastner (United Kingdom)
11:20-11:40 Peri-operative systemic therapy in urothelial cancer: underutilization of standard chemotherapy, and development of relevant clinical trials | P. Grivas (USA)
11:40-12:00 Robot assisted radical prostatectomy | P. Cornford (United Kingdom)
12:00-12:30 Industry Satellite Lecture I
The protection of a man’s quality life through time
D. Chatzichristou
 Supported by

Industry Satellite Symposium II: Urology-OAB-LUTS
Chairman: F. Sofras
12.30-12.40 Chairman’s Introduction- Communication in modern Urology
F. Sofras
A modern approach in OAB
K. Giannitsas
13:00-13:20 Prostate and mLUTS: Boundhood or complicity?
S. Gravas
13:20-13:30 Discussion
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13:30-14:30 Lunch Break
14:30-15:30 Video Presentations II: Semilive surgery
Chairpersons:  E. Karagiotis, Α. Dellis

14:30-14:50 Video 4: Flexible Ureteroscopy | S. Sfoungaristos
14:50-15:10 Video 5: Robotic Pyeloplasty | Ε. Frangiadis
15:10-15:30 Video 6: Urethral stricture and concomitant recto-urethral fistula | G. Kousournas
15:30-16:30 International Speakers Lectures ΙI
Chairpersons:  D. Chatzichristou, Ι. Varkarakis

15:30-15:50 How to deal with the new generation of anticoagulants in endourology | N. Buchholz (UAE)
15:50-16:10 PCNL my way-tips and tricks | M. Duvdevani (Israel)
16:10-16:30 Standardization of education and training - curriculum development and validation | K. Ahmed (United Kingdom)
Coffee Break
Chairpersons:  D. Mitropoulos, Α. Skolarikos

17:00-17:20 Surgical treatment of neurogenic urinary incontinence | P. Rehder (Austria)
Defining the indications for minimally invasive radical prostatectomy for high risk prostate cancer | M. Winkler (United Kingdom)
Industry Satellite Lecture II: Exploring the treatment pathways of patients with metastatic prostate cancer
Chairman: D. Mitropoulos, D. Daliani
17:40-17:55 Which is the position of chemotherapy in hormone-sensitive phase of the disease?
Α. Papatsoris
17:55-18:10 Which is the position of chemotherapy in castration-resistant phase of the disease?
Μ. Karamouzis
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Industry Satellite Symposium IIΙ:
Present and Future Management of Prostate Cancer: recent developments that define therapy
Chairman: I. Poulias
18:10-18:40 Bridging the therapeutic gap in the treatment of Prostate Cancer
A. Alcaraz (Spain)
18:40-19:10 The therapeutic sequencing that ensures the optimum clinical result
S. Tiritzis
 Supported by

Sunday, May 21 2017

09:00-10:00 Clinical Tutorial III: Urethral Surgery from A to Z
Moderator:  Ι. Adamakis

Endoscopic approach |
S. Τiritzis
The treatment of posterior urethral strictures | 
G. Kousournas
Penile and bulbar strictures surgery: Tips and Tricks | Ε. Ζacharakis

10:00-11:30 International Speakers Lectures III
Chairpersons:  Μ. Chrisofos - TBA

10:00-10:20 Metabolic syndrome and urolithiasis - linking evidence is emerging  | N. Buchholz (United Arab Emirates)
10:20-10:40 Updates on the dynamic role of immunotherapy and targeted therapies in urothelial cancer | P. Grivas (United States)
10:40-11:10 Shock wave lithotripsy in the era of advanced endourology | M. Duvdevani (Israel)
 11:10-11:30 Operative techniques in failed adult hypospadias repair | P. Rehder (Austria)
 11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
The Teachers’ Speech
Development of evidence-based protocols for the use of shock wave therapy for erectile dysfunction | D. Hatzichristou
The land-region’s Speech
Chairpersons: Ch. Αlamanis, G. Raptidis

 12:30-13:10 Our experience in ERAS protocols (Enhanced recovery after surgery) in urologic patients. Early results | P. Anezinis
 13:10-13:30 Refugee crisis: Difficulties and challenges faced in the hospital of Samos, Island| Ι. Garifallos
End of the Meeting