Kastner Christof

Christof Kastner is the lead of the CamPARI Group which integrates all prostate clinicians and researchers in Cambridge’s Addenbrooke’s Hospital and research institutions. He has introduced the use of prostate mpMRI imaging to Cambridge and was the first in the UK to use a validated purpose-build MRI fusion biopsy system. He has been developing processes, clinical pathways and new practices for prostate cancer assessment in collaboration with clinicians from all involved specialties from Heidelberg, Rome and London (Ginsburg Study Group) and organises an annual multi-disciplinary meeting and workshop into Prostate mpMRI and biopsies in Cambridge to give experts and clinicians a platform to meet, network and promote the development of prostate diagnostics. Christof originally trained in Aachen, Germany, and spend his entire professional career in the UK. His specialist training and fellowships took place in leading UK centres, including UCL, Imperial College and Guy’s Hospital, all in London, and Guildford. Since in Cambridge his work and development benefitted from the support of Prof David Neal (retired) and Prof Evis Sala (now MSK). His clinical focus is on technology- based interventions including fusion prostate diagnostics, brachytherapy and HoLEP and he leads the integration of the prostate cancer associated clinicians from various specialties into one unit for the management of prostate cancer.

Professional title:
Mr Christof Kastner PhD FRCS(Urol) FEBU, Consultant Urologist & Prostate Cancer Lead Current affiliation: CamPARI Group, Cambridge University Hospitals